Some days are like this.
Some WEEKS or MONTHS are like this.
We make progress - 2 steps. Then, we go backward - 1 step.
It's really hard not to get discouraged on the backward steps. When I compare where we are now with where we were 7 months ago, we have traveled far. I need to keep that in mind on days like this, when Mary kind of 'shuts down' and is so hard to reach.
Some WEEKS or MONTHS are like this.
We make progress - 2 steps. Then, we go backward - 1 step.
It's really hard not to get discouraged on the backward steps. When I compare where we are now with where we were 7 months ago, we have traveled far. I need to keep that in mind on days like this, when Mary kind of 'shuts down' and is so hard to reach.
Mary has been doing well at the following things lately:
-Following directions. For example; "Mary, clap your hands." or "Mary, touch your nose". Yep, I know these are things that pre-schoolers can do, but that's where we are. 8 months ago, Mary wouldn't respond to simple requests.
- Crawling. Now this isn't the 'crawling' on hands and knees. That is technically called 'creeping'. This crawling is the 'army belly crawl'. Well, Mary is doing it! This is BIG! She'd have absolutely NOTHING to do with this even 3 months ago. She wouldn't even get on the floor. So, why is this so important. Brain development. Crawling develops that part of the brain that helps you to track things and to read.
-Listening. Her listening skills have really improved. Well, maybe she has always listened, but she shows that she is taking it in by eye contact and facial expression.
Things that have been a little rough lately:
She keeps zoning out - dis-associative behavior.
She keeps putting her hand in her pants. (gotta teach her about pockets)
Grumpy face. Where did all the smiles go to?
Well, that's all for now.
My job: keep on looking on the bright side.
Every "little" step forward is still moving in the right direction.
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